We empower Rural Oklahoma

Digital Literacy

Just having access to reliable, high-speed internet is not enough. Our first priority is to enable all of the population to recognize and realize the benefits of the modern economy. Through educational opportunities hosted in and for local community organizations, we enable residents to gain critical digital skills in using the internet for the greatest benefit to their lives and well-being.

Our Digital Literacy Virtual Academy lets you learn on your own time and from wherever is convenient to you!

Remote Education

Education is the ultimate form of empowerment for anyone. Access to remote education provides options to rural populations that they would otherwise not be able to utilize. From early education in elementary school all the way to earning a Master’s degree, remote educational opportunities have never been more plentiful. However, lack of access to reliable internet service hinders far too many in the rural southwest region of Oklahoma.


Access to quality specialty care can be a challenge for rural Oklahomans. The advantages of telemedicine open new opportunities for residents in these areas, offering levels of care and expertise that are otherwise unavailable. Low population density and decreasing populations caused many providers to exit the market in small towns across southwest Oklahoma. Through the innovation brought by high-speed, fiber internet, this trend can be reversed.

Rural Agriculture

Since the first settlement of the Great Plains, agriculture has been the foundation of the economy for much of rural Oklahoma. In southwest Oklahoma, our farmers help feed the nation and the world. The benefits of improved access to high-speed internet allows new distribution opportunities for farmers, precision agriculture, and access to new markets without relying on margin-consuming distribution modalities so common in this industry.

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